

主营产品: 特氟龙(PTFE)耐高温胶带,特氟龙网带,铁氟龙胶布,特氟龙输送带,特氟龙高温焊布,特富隆(PTFE)网格布,铁氟龙高温漆布,微波烘干机传输带,无接缝封口机传动带,PTFE服装粘合机带,硅橡胶玻璃纤维布,高硅氧玻璃纤维布,铁氟龙薄膜,单面活化四氟膜,FEP薄膜,食品烤盘片,特氟龙烤炉片等。

Our company is a professional production and sales of Teflon (PTFE) and silicone rubber fiberglass products manufacturers, Teflon series products are widely used in various fields,  such as aviation, aerospace, automotive, electronics, electrical appliances, high temperature insulation, food packaging, plastic products, paper-making, printing and dyeing, clothing, chemical corrosion and other fields, the company provides more classic products and the new materials in the market to the community, service in society. Teflon glass fiber products, which begins with the fiber yarn weaving, impregnation processing. With  specific process conditions, sophisticated equipment and fine processing technology, our company provides numerous customers with high quality products and services.

企业经济性质: 私营有限责任公司
法人代表或负责人: 戴美香
企业类型: 生产加工
公司注册地: 江苏 泰州 泰兴市 泰兴高兴技术产业开发区环溪路
注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下
成立时间: 2015
员工人数: 5 人以下
月产量: 100000
年营业额: 人民币 100 万元以下
年出口额: 人民币 100 万元以下
管理体系认证: IS9001
主要经营地点: 泰兴**产业开发区人才科技广场19号搂810
厂房面积: 5300
是否提供OEM代加工: 否
开户银行: 农村商业银行
银行帐号: 3210250271010000025915
主营产品或服务: 主营产品: 特氟龙耐高温胶带,特氟龙网带,铁氟龙胶布,特氟龙输送带,特氟龙高温焊布,特富隆网格布,铁氟龙高温漆布,微波烘干机传输带,无接缝封口机传动带,PTFE服装粘合机带,硅橡胶玻璃纤维布,高硅氧玻璃纤维布,铁氟龙薄膜,单面活化四氟膜,FEP薄膜,食品烤盘片,特氟龙烤炉片等。